Join the team Join the Clipper Pearls Team! To be considered for a role, please complete the form below Clipper Pearls Application for EmploymentPolice clearance or working VISA essentialDate of Application MM slash DD slash YYYY How did you find this office?* Word of mouth Labour Hire Website Position:* Deckhand Diver Boat Skipper Cook Kitchenhand Yardhand Engineer Personal DetailsSurname* First Name* Address (Postal)* Email address* Telephone*SexMaleFemaleDate of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Employment HistoryIf you have a current resume/CV please attachResume/CVMax. file size: 450 MB.1. Company 1. Position 1. Period Employed 1. Reason for Leaving2. Company 2. Position 2. Period Employed 2. Reason for LeavingQualificationsPlease tick or select if applicable and provide the appropriate details.Senior first Aid Certificate Senior first Aid Certificate Expiry Please selectRestricted CoxswainsCoxswainsExpiry Please selectMaster VMaster IVPlease selectMed IIMed IPPA Ticket PPA Ticket Current Dive Medical & Expiry Open Water Accreditation Open Water Accreditation Fisheries Licences Forklift ticket and Expiry Driver's Licence and Type Other Immigration StatusStatusPermanent Australian ResidentPermanent New Zealand ResidentTemp WorkingVisa Number Passport Number Upload copy of passportMax. file size: 450 MB.Clipper Pearls Pre-Employment Health QuestionnaireThe following information is begin sought to assess your ability to perform the essential duties required for the position.Personal HealthVisual defects / eye conditions including colour blindness?* Yes No Hearing defects / ear conditions?* Yes No Severe anxiety, depression, other psychiatric disorder?* Yes No Paralysis or other neurological disorder?* Yes No Fainting attacks, blackouts, epilepsy or fits?* Yes No Recurrent headaches / migraines?* Yes No Do you have any allergies to medications, antibiotics, chemical substances, insect bites, foods or anything else?* Yes No heart disease, high blood pressure?* Yes No Asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis or other chest disease?* Yes No Allergies such as hay fever, sinusitis?* Yes No Back or neck pain lasting more than 2 weeks?* Yes No Have diabetes?* Yes No Vertigo, giddiness or tinnitus?* Yes No Do you have any physical disability?* Yes No Have you ever had a worker's compensation claim?* Yes No Do you have difficulty bending repeatedly?* Yes No Do you have difficulty with lifiting heavy objects?* Yes No Do you have difficulty with lifting repeatedly?* Yes No Do you have difficulty with standing for long periods?* Yes No ave you ever had repetitive strain injury?* Yes No Do you have any special dietary needs?* Yes No Have you ever worked under conditions or with substances, which may have been hazardous to your health (e.g. toxic chemicals, noise, dusts, asbestos, radiation)?* Yes No Joint problems, pains, injuries or arthritis?* Yes No Any fractures or broken bones?* Yes No Problems with balance or co-ordination?* Yes No Skin disease (e.g. psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema)?* Yes No thyroid disease or liver disease?* Yes No Upper limb or shoulder pain?* Yes No Have you had any sever injury or operation?* Yes No Do you get seasick?* Yes No If yes to any questions, please give detailsApplicants DeclarationDo you have any other health concerns or medical conditions you are aware of that may affect your ability to work abourd a vessel at sea?* Yes No Is there any other information that Clipper Pearls should be made aware of, so that it can fulfill its own duty of care to its employees?* Yes No If yes to either of the above, please provide detailsImportant Note: Section 79 Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 – Wilful and false representation - Where it is proved that the worker has, at the time of seeking or entering employment in respect of which he claims compensation for an injury, wilfully and falsely represented himself as not having previously suffered from the injury an arbitrator may in the arbitrator's discretion refuse to award compensation which otherwise would be payableSubmitting this application I declare that the particluars on this form are to the best of my knowledge, correct and true. I also understand and am aware that any inaccurate statement made, or information withheld, may result in the termination of my employment/contract.* I agree I disagree CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.